Creation of customized multimedia products
Years of experience in building learning structures have taught us that every training makes history in itself. If you have something to tell and you want to do it digitally, count on us. We will listen to you and prepare media that will be seen and heard again and again.

For years we have developed a solid collaboration with some international partners, with decades of experience in the design of training interventions. We leave the technology to them, we will draw the stories using your words.

10-20 minute courses, ideal especially on recurrent or compulsory training.

Micro learning
Ideal training pills also on smartphones.

Motion design Video
Animations of 3-8 minutes to pass a key message.

Storytelling that uses game metaphor to stimulate participant participation

Podcast Audio
Create your podcast series. We can write the script according to your needs and follow all the editing stages up to the final product. Recommended on at least 6-10 episodes