Multimedia with active participation
Today it is more than ever necessary to reach out to collaborators through digital content. But oftentimes, digital contents are synonymous with repetitiveness and don't always succeed in what they propose. YOU-MANS offers a variety of digital tools for diversifying interventions.

Class (physical presence)
In addition to contents making up our teaching (exciting stories, use of videos and films, use of video footage) we make extensive use of digital engagement tools. These are quiz and real-time surveys, with participants who can use both their smartphone and computer to interact.Besides generating a curious diversion, these techniques allow to reach important didactic objectives, such as establishing class level at the beginning or end of the session, creating team competitions, shortening the logistical times necessary for some exercises.

Virtual classroom
Our interventions in the virtual classroom aim to recreate the same conditions present in the physical classroom. Clearly, exercises involving physical movement of the participants are replaced by exercises performed digitally. As an example we can mention collecting ideas obtained through digital post it.
The role of supporting technology (beyond the video conferencing system) is essential for maintaining constant attention.
Here, using the smartphone is essential. In its absence, you may use a web page provided by us. Our interventions can be carried out on all videoconferencing devices providing for the possibility of dividing participants into subgroups. Such as Zoom, for exampl

Webinars are virtual classes aimed at large groups of people. For this reason, there is limited interaction between the participants who generally won't see each other, while being able to interact mainly by asking written questions to the trainer. We do however plan to use questions, quizzes and surveys through our digital applications.
These are on average short interventions (about 1 hour and 30 minutes), characterized by clarity and fluidity. Our interventions can be carried out on all videoconferencing devices providing for the possibility of dividing participants into subgroups. Such as Zoom, for example.